State of Affairs

Why We Buy – Secrets of Consumer Seduction

Jan Tenhaven

What does the perfect vacuum cleaner noise sound like? What does the smell of a hotel room have to do with the Swiss mountains? And why are we suddenly buying white cars – a color, which a couple of years ago could not be imagined in the auto industry? Coincidence or magic? Especially in difficult economic times the companies are searching for ingenious methods, for how to seduce us to consume. Market researchers are focused on our unconscious behaviors. Corporations are investing millions in the sensual appeal of their products. But how should things smell and sound in order to improve sales? And who decides which colors will be on the market in the years to come? In ‘Why We Buy’ we will accompany three sense experts that will show the world their colors, their sounds, and their scents. We will get rare insight into the world of secret seducers, and experience behind normally closed doors how colorful our world will be in three years.

Jan Tenhaven

Jan Tenhaven is a freelance writer and director for German public television and a lecturer at the Electronic Media School in Potsdam-Babelsberg. He started his journalistic career as a reporter and freelance writer for the daily newspaper WAZ and the weekly paper DIE ZEIT, as well as on the editorial staff of various German broadcasters. From 1998 to 2001 Tenhaven was a television correspondent and bureau chief of APM Media in London and a director for London International Television (LITV). He has been making documentaries for fifteen years. Besides ‘Autumn Gold’, his latest projects include the documentary ‘Why We Buy’ and ‘The War in Me’.

General sponsor

Angriff auf die Sinne – Warum wir Verbraucher verführt werden

2009, 52', color, video

Directed by:
Jan Tenhaven

Screenplay by:
Jan Tenhaven

Martin Langner, Jörg Junge

Edited by:
Kristine Langner

Nils Kacirek

Christian Beetz

Produced by:
Beetz Filmproduktion