Croatian Wartime Documentaries: 1991-1995 in Retrospective

Naši dečki

Neven Hitrec
Screening time  
01.03. / Utorak, 14:00 - 16:00 Dvorana 5  

Neven Hitrec

Neven Hitrec was born in 1967 in Zagreb and graduated in film and TV directing in 1992 from the Zagreb Academy of Dramatic Arts. He made several award-winning documentaries that attracted attention in Croatia, but also scored good results at international film festivals. He won the annual Vladimir Nazor Award in 1993 for his documentary films The Hall and 730 Days Later. His fiction debut came with Madonna in 1999. He won the Pula Festival Grand Prix and Vjesnik’s Breza Award for best debut, complete with another two Golden Arenas for best male and female leading role. The documentary film Foreclosure was screened in ZagrebDox’s Regional Competition in 2014 and Red Lorry, Yellow Lorry in 2015 in the same programme.