International Competition

Into Eternity

Michael Madsen
Screening time  
28.02. / Ponedjeljak, 20:00 - 22:00 Dvorana 5  
02.03. / Srijeda, 15:00 - 17:00 Dvorana 3  
05.03. / Subota, 22:00 - 00:00 Dvorana 2  
With the nuclear era less than 70 years old, an estimated 300,000 tons of deadly radioactive waste already exist in the world today.

Current above-ground storage facilities—subject to natural and man-made disasters—are only temporary solutions to a totally unprecedented problem. Five kilometers below the earth, the people of Finland are constructing an enormous tomb as the final resting place for their share of the waste. Dubbed ‘Onkalo’ (Finnish for ‘hiding place’), the three-mile tunnel should be sealed by the year 2100 and must remain untouched for at least 100,000 years. One hundred thousand years. In this poetic, hauntingly beautiful documentary, Danish filmmaker Michael Madsen talks with Scandinavia’s top nuclear energy experts and descends into the murky tunnel with the men who blast the rock, but his treatment of this mind-bending and terrifying subject is more philosophical than academic: How far into the future does our way of life have consequences?


Michael Madsen

Michael Madsen is a conceptual artist and director of the multiple award-winning Into Eternity (2010). Recent films include Halden Prison and part of Cathedrals of Culture initiated by Wim Wenders and screened at 2015 ZagrebDox. In addition, Michael has been guest lecturer at The Royal Danish Academy of Art, The Danish Film School, University of California, University of Western Sydney, School of Architecture, London.

General sponsor

Into Eternity

2010, 75', color, video

Directed by:
Michael Madsen

Screenplay by:
Michael Madsen

Heikki Farm

Edited by:
Daniel Dencik, Stefan Sundlof

Lise Lense-Moller

Produced by:
Magic Hour Films ApS

Festivals & Awards:

CPH:DOX 2010. - Audience Award

Visions du Réel 2010 - Grand Prix