Regional Competition

On The Edge

Tomislav Žaja
Screening time  
28.02. / Ponedjeljak, 16:00 - 18:00 Dvorana 2  
02.03. / Srijeda, 16:00 - 18:00 Dvorana 5  
05.03. / Subota, 13:00 - 15:00 Dvorana 3  
Although Leonard Pijetraj coached many boxing champions, he opened the doors of his club in Zagreb’s suburb of Dubrava to ‘problem kids’ with whom he’s working pro bono under one condition – they have to respect his rules inside and outside of the club.

In the same building, at the other side of the boxing club’s wall, the poor and homeless people are coming to the soup kitchen for their daily piece of bread and portion of beans. Some of them are hoping for an opportunity to start from beginning and others are too old for a new battle. Besides young boxers and homeless people, the third segment of the film are poets of Dubrava, members of the punk rock band Prljavo kazaliste (aka Dirty Theatre). Their early songs, written from 1978-1980, are painting a timeless picture of social life on the edge of a city of Zagreb.


Tomislav Žaja

Tomislav Žaja was born in Zagreb in 1967. He has an MA in documentary film directing from the FAMU Academy of Performing Arts in Prague. As a producer, screenwriter and director he has made close to fifty documentary films, several short fiction films, two TV adaptations of theater plays and three feature fiction films (one as a director and co-screenwriter and two as a co-producer). He is a member of the Croatian Film Directors’ Guild, Croatian Producers Association and European Documentary Network and the owner of the production company Gral Film.

General sponsor

Na rubu

2010, 91', bw, video

Directed by:
Tomislav Žaja

Screenplay by:
Tomislav Žaja

Dragan Ruljančić

Edited by:
Hrvoje Mršić

Vjeran Šalamon, Prljavo kazalište

Miroslav Rezić

Produced by: