Regional Competition

The Guardian

Antoneta Kastrati
Screening time  
28.02. / Ponedjeljak, 16:00 - 18:00 Dvorana 5  
02.03. / Srijeda, 14:00 - 16:00 Dvorana 2  
05.03. / Subota, 13:00 - 15:00 Dvorana 1  
‘The Guardian’ is a story about a mountain man, Fatos Lajci, and his struggle to save the forests of the Rugova Mountain from over-logging and environmental destruction.

As we learn the stories of his youth, growing up in those mountains with his brother, we begin to understand the history behind Fatos’ frustration with post-war politics, his sense of refuge in the mountains, and ultimately, his spiritual connection and dedication to preserving them.

Antoneta Kastrati

Antoneta Kastrati, a recent graduate of journalism and communication master, has been involved in documentary filmmaking in Kosovo since 2000. She is a co-founder of Crossing Bridges Productions in Prishtina, focused primarily on producing high quality documentary films and television programming that addresses the most pressing social issues in Kosovar society. In the in the past several years, she has produced and directed more the 10 documentary films along with several public awareness campaigns and educational programs. Documentary films directed and produced by Antoneta have recently been screened at international film festivals in Berlin, New York, Prague, Amsterdam, Sarajevo, Linz, Afghanistan, Lisbon, etc. Filmography (as a director): ‘Seeking Magic’ (2009), ‘Whose Security?’ (2006), ‘Element FeM (2005), ‘Unspoken’ (2004).

General sponsor

Rojtari i Bjeshkeve

2010, 52', color, video

Directed by:
Antoneta Kastrati

Sevdije Kastrati

Edited by:
Kaltrina Krasniqi

Dritero Nikqi

Antoneta Kastrati

Produced by:
Crossing Bridges Productions, Kosovo Cinematographic Center