Happy Dox

All For The Good of The World and Nošovice

Vít Klusák
Screening time  
28.02. / Ponedjeljak, 21:00 - 23:00 Dvorana 3  
‘Using cars to change the world,’ is one of the mottos of the South Korean automobile manufacturer Hyundai, which produces 300,000 cars each year with the help of the inhabitants of the Czech village Nosovice.

The factory looks like it came from another planet, the car park and the huge drab shoeboxes contrasting shrilly with the rolling green hills that surround them. Once, the local people grew cabbages here. Now, the villagers employees must get used to the Korean’s strict working regime and perform monotonous tasks in the factory. They spend their days at the conveyor belt all day with barely a break. The previous owners of the land, farmers, were subjected to huge pressure, including death threats, to sell their fertile agricultural land bordering a nature reserve to the factory, sometimes for as little as €4000. One of the landowners resists to the last and erects a statue made of rusty car parts and a copy of a letter containing a death threat.

Vít Klusák

Vít Klusák, born in 1980, is a graduate of the Department of Documentary Film at FAMU, Prague. Since 2005 he has been teaching in the same department (Film Narration). He studied photography at the Industrial Graphic Arts School in Prague and has had two solo shows of photography. At present, in addition to the Nošovice project, he is preparing a black comedy film ‘My Three Brothers’ based on the fairy tale of the same name by the Czech writer Karel Jaromír Erben. He lives in Prague and runs the independent production company Hypermarket Film Ltd. Selected Filmography: ‘Czech Peace’ (2010), ‘Intermission’ (2006), ‘Czech Dream’ ( 2004), ‘Heaven’ (2003), ‘Jazz War’ (2001), ‘Digestive’ (2000), ‘Origin of the World’ (1999).

General sponsor

Vse pro dobro sveta a Nosovic

Czech Republic
2010, 90', color, 35 mm

Directed by:
Vít Klusák

Screenplay by:
Vít Klusák

Jakub Halousek

Edited by:
Janka Vlcková


Vít Klusák, Filip Remunda, Petr Morávek, Irena Taskovski, Martin Hrebacka, Pavel Rejholec

Produced by:
Hypermarket Film, Ceská Televize, Taskovski Films, Avion Film, Soundsquare