Masters of Dox

Napoli, Napoli, Napoli

Abel Ferrara
Screening time  
03.03. / Četvrtak, 18:00 - 20:00 Dvorana 5  
Abel Ferrara’s project is not only a portrait of the city itself, but a deep sight into its humanity, vital and brutal, passionate and cruel at the same time.

While interviewing a group of female convicts in Pozzuoli State Prison, Ferrara was deeply impressed by their statements, so harsh and fatalistic. He then decided to base on their life experiences three different screenplays, written by Peppe Lanzetta, Maurizio Braucci and Gaetano Di Vaio. Di Vaio’s episode is inspired by his actual experience as a convict; Braucci’s depicts a sad and brutal adolescence; Lanzetta’s a family melodrama of violence, expectations and vengeance. By interweaving reality and fiction, this innovative docu-drama is a complex and compelling mosaic; like the city of Naples, so fascinating and indecipherable at the same time.

Abel Ferrara

Abel Ferrara was born in New York in 1951. He is an independent director. In his movies, characterized by the explicit representation of violence, Ferrara has explored the most dangerous areas of contemporary metropolis and the darkest aspects of human nature. In 1979 he directed his first movie ‘Driller Killer’. In 1992 he created ‘Bad Lieutenant’. In 1996 Ferrara directed his masterpiece ‘The Funeral’, prize-winning at Cannes Festival. Among his recent movies are ‘Mary’ (2005) and ‘Go Go Tales’ (2007). ‘Napoli, Napoli, Napoli’ is part of a trilogy of documentaries focusing on topics very close to his heart: ‘Chelsea on the Rocks’, on Chelsea Hotel; ‘Mulberry St.’, a portrait of his Little Italy stomping grounds and recent one.

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Napoli, Napoli, Napoli

2009, 92', color/bw, video

Directed by:
Abel Ferrara

Screenplay by:
Maurizio Braucci, Peppe Lanzetta, Gaetano Di Vaio

Alessandro Abate

Edited by:
Fabio Nunziata

Pier Francesco Aiello, Gianluca Curti

Produced by:
Figli del Bronx, Gruppo Minerva International, P.F.A. Films