Musical Globe

Penny For Your Song

Valentina Klasić
Screening time  
03.03. / Četvrtak, 22:00 - 00:00 Dvorana 5  
What do an engineer of agronomy and an economist with a full time job have in common? One life philosophy, a viola and a guitar, streets of Zagreb and a truly royal life story.

‘Penny for Your Song’ is a story about the Kings of the street (Kraljevi ulice), a legendary band of street performers. Twenty years ago, Hadzi and Pajo chose the life of street musicians, traveled the world and mastered the skill of street performing. As if that wasn’t enough, they won Dora, a competition for the Croatian representative in the Eurovision song contest and started Zagreb’s first street festival – Cest is d’Best.

Valentina Klasić

Valentina Klasić is born in Zagreb, graduated from Faculty of Political Science in Journalism in 2008 and started working in television production (Nova TV) before continuing education in Birmingham City University (MA/PgDip Television and Interactive Content) in 2009. Currently working as a freelance production assistant in United Kingdom. ‘Penny for Your Song’ is her first documentary and final project for MA studies in Birmingham.

General sponsor

Pjesma za novčić

2010, 21', color, video

Directed by:
Valentina Klasić

Screenplay by:
Valentina Klasić, Hrvoje Felbar

Hrvoje Felbar

Edited by:
Hrvoje Felbar

Valentina Klasić

Produced by:
Felbar Studio