Teen Dox

Facebook's "Adorno" Changed My Life

Georg Boch
Screening time  
28.02. / Ponedjeljak, 16:00 - 18:00 Dvorana 4  
Documentary about our hyper-connected isolation in social networks, about self-portrayal in the midst of contradictions: Where names are tags, words are links and none of the interfaces are innocent.

Georg Boch

Georg Boch was born in 1988 in Bielefeld (Germany). Boch’s fascination for the moving image in times of the Internet lead him to study since 2007 at the Zelig School for documentary-film and new media in Bolzano. Filmography: ‘Facebook’s ‘Adorno Changed My Life’ (2010), ‘The Sued Generation’ (2009), ‘adornotube’ (2007, youtube project), ‘Der Tag an dem wir Kontakt aufnahmen’ (2006).

General sponsor

Facebook's 'Adorno Changed My Life'

2010, 28', color, video

Directed by:
Georg Boch

Edited by:
Luigi Pepe

Willem van Ekeren, Lanark

Georg Boch, Georg Zeller

Produced by: