Teen Dox

Heaven Spot

Bruno Zagorščak
Screening time  
04.03. / Petak, 16:00 - 18:00 Dvorana 4  
Pieces that are painted in unreachable places such as rooftops and freeway signs are hard to remove.

Such pieces, by the nature of the spot, often pose dangerous challenges to be executed, but may increase an artist’s notoriety. Check out graffiti artists Smack, Mone and Lunar talk about their passion, about music, dedication…

Bruno Zagorščak

Bruno Zagorščak was born in Zagreb. He is an editor, cameraman and animator who works as a videographer for Transmeet.Tv and Neuralab.

General sponsor

Heaven Spot

2010, 13', color, video

Directed by:
Bruno Zagorščak

Screenplay by:
Bruno Zagorščak

Igor Bogdanović, Bruno Zagorščak

Rapo feat. Ropez & Target, Fanatiks feat. KBC, Kandžija, Doki Dok

Bruno Zagorščak

Produced by: