Nicolas Philibert Retrospective

Louvre City

Nicolas Philibert
Screening time  
28.02. / Ponedjeljak, 17:00 - 19:00 Dvorana 1  
What happens at the Louvre Museum when it is closed to the public? During the Grand Louvre’s extensive renovations, the museum opened its corridors to a film crew for the first time.

People are seen moving paintings and reorganizing rooms. Miles of underground corridors and galleries cross each other. Little by little, the secret, and sometimes comical, mundane, sublime and fascinating world of one of the most famous museums in the world is revealed. A companion piece to his earlier film on the Natural History Museum, this portrait of the venerable stone corridors, galleries and chambers of Paris’s Louvre Museum and its city of inhabitants shows the director’s fascination with work in all its wondrous detail.

Nicolas Philibert

Nicolas Philibert was born in 1951 in Nancy (France). After studying philosophy, he turned to film and became an assistant director, notably for René Allio, Alain Tanner and Claude Goretta. In 1978, with Gérard Mordillat, he co-directed his first documentary feature, His Master’s Voice (La voix de son maître) in which a dozen bosses of leading industrial groups talk about control, hierarchy and power, gradually sketching out the image of a future world ruled by the financial sector…From 1985 to 1987, Nicolas Philibert shot various mountaineering and sports adventure films for television (Christophe, Trilogy for One Man, Go For It, Lapébie!, Baquet’s Come Back) then started directing documentary features that would all obtain a theatrical release: Louvre City (La ville Louvre, 1990), In the Land of the Deaf (Le pays des sourds, 1992), Animals (Un animal, des animaux, 1995), Every Little Thing (La Moindre des choses, 1996), at the La Borde psychiatric clinic, as well as a film essay pitched between documentary and fiction, with the students of the school of the Strasbourg National Theatre: Who Knows? (Qui sait ?, 1998). In 2001, he directed To Be and to Have (Etre et avoir), about daily life in a «single class» school in a mountain village in the heart of the Massif Central (France). Screened as part of the Official Selection at the 2002 Cannes Festival, Prix Louis Delluc 2002, the film was a huge success in France and around forty other countries. In his recent film, Back to Normandy (Retour en Normandie, 2007), he returned to the settings of I, Pierre Rivère, Having Slaughtered My Mother, My Sister and My Brother… by René Allio, the director who allowed him to take his first steps in film.

General sponsor

La Ville Louvre

1990, 85', color, video

Directed by:
Nicolas Philibert

Screenplay by:
Nicolas Philibert

Daniel Barrau, Richard Copans, Frédéric Labourasse, Eric Millot, Éric Pittard

Edited by:
Nicolas Philibert, Marie Quinton

Philippe Hersant

Serge Lalou, Dominique Païni

Produced by:
Les Films d’Ici, Musée du Louvre

Festivals & Awards:

Europa Prize for the Best Documentary 1990

Cinéma du Réel 1990 - Intermédia Prize