Participant Media Films

Casino Jack and The United States Of Money

Alex Gibney
Screening time  
01.03. / Utorak, 17:00 - 19:00 Dvorana 3  
Alex Gibney, who brought us the Academy Award-winning ‘Taxi to the Dark Side’ and the Academy Award nominated ‘Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room’, now focuses his attention on the story of lobbyist Jack Abramoff.

From Indian casinos and Chinese sweatshops to Russian spies and a mob-style killing in Miami, Casino Jack and the United States of Money is at once a colorful tale of international intrigue and a story of the corrupting role that money plays in our political process. By following ongoing criminal investigations – including the indictments of federal officials, staffers and congressmen – and inquiries into the day-to-day business of favor-trading in our nation’s capitol, the film shines a light on the way that politicians’ desperate need to get elected – and the millions of dollars it costs – may be undermining the basic principles of American democracy.


Alex Gibney

Alex Gibney, born in 1953, is an American producer and director, the founder of Jigsaw Productions. The winner of Oscar, Emmy and Grammy awards, he is known as the producer of financially most successful documentaries of all times – Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room (2006) and Taxi to the Dark Side (2007), which won an Academy Award in 2008. His films Casino Jack and The United States Of Money (2010), Park Avenue: Money, Power and the American Dream (2012), The Armstrong Lie (2012), Zero Days (2016) and No Stone Unturned (2017) were screened at ZagrebDox festival.

General sponsor

Casino Jack and the United States of Money

2010, 118', color, video

Directed by:
Alex Gibney

Screenplay by:
Alex Gibney

Maryse Alberti

Edited by:
Alison Ellwood

David Robbins

Bill Banowsky, Mark Cuban, Benjamin Goldhirsh, Jeff Skoll, Todd Wagner, Diane Weyermann

Produced by:
Jigsaw Productions, Participant Media