Participant Media Films

Climate of Change

Brian Hill
Screening time  
04.03. / Petak, 12:00 - 14:00 Dvorana 2  
04.03. / Petak, 17:00 - 19:00 Dvorana 3  
Academy Award winner Tilda Swinton narrates this documentary from acclaimed filmmaker Brian Hill (‘Songbirds’) focusing on the efforts of everyday people all over the world who are making a difference in the fight against global warming.

From Indian middle school students organizing demonstrations and major recycling efforts to a London PR executive helping companies to become more environmentally responsible to citizen lobbyists in Appalachia protesting the strip-mining that is destroying their communities and livelihood to Papua New Guineans who refuse to allow commercial logging on their rainforest land to one man in Togo intent on teaching his nation’s young people to respect and replenish the gifts of the Earth, these are stories of ordinary humans doing extraordinary things by finding solutions to help save the planet.

Brian Hill

Brian Hill is a BAFTA-winning filmmaker and managing director of Century Films in the UK. He has made more than 60 films for the BBC, Channel 4, and ITV, including ‘Drinking for England’, ‘Feltham Sings’, and ‘Songbirds’.

General sponsor

Climate of Change

Great Britain, USA
2010, 86', color, video

Directed by:
Brian Hill

Screenplay by:
Simon Armitage

Roger Chapman, Tony Coldwell, Michael Timney, Wayne Vinten

Edited by:
Stuart Briggs

Nitin Sawhney

Katie Bailiff

Produced by:
Participant Media