Participant Media Films

Waiting for Superman

Davis Guggenheim
Screening time  
05.03. / Subota, 17:00 - 19:00 Dvorana 3  
For a nation that proudly declared it would leave no child behind, America continues to do so at alarming rates.

Despite increased spending and politicians’ promises, our buckling public-education system, once the best in the world, routinely forsakes the education of millions of children. Oscar-winning filmmaker Davis Guggenheim (‘An Inconvenient Truth’) reminds us that education ‘statistics’ have names: Anthony, Francisco, Bianca, Daisy, and Emily, whose stories make up the engrossing foundation of Waiting for ‘Superman’. As he follows a handful of promising kids through a system that inhibits, rather than encourages, academic growth, Guggenheim undertakes an exhaustive review of public education, surveying ‘drop-out factories’ and ‘academic sinkholes,’ methodically dissecting the system and its seemingly intractable problems.


Davis Guggenheim

Davis Guggenheim was born in St. Louis and studied American history at Brown University. He has directed episodes of NYPD Blue (1993-2005), Deadwood (2004-2006), and 24 (2001-2010). His documentaries include It Might Get Loud (2008), Waiting for Superman (2010), and From the Sky Down (2011), as well as An Inconvenient Truth (2006), winner of the Academy Award for Best Documentary and screened on 7th ZagrebDox. 

General sponsor

Waiting For Superman

2010, 111', color, video

Directed by:
Davis Guggenheim

Screenplay by:
Davis Guggenheim, Billy Kimball

Bob Richman, Erich Roland

Edited by:
Jay Cassidy, Greg Finton, Kim Roberts

Christophe Beck

Lesley Chilcott

Produced by:
Walden Media, Participant Media

Festivals & Awards:

Sundance Film Festival 2010 - Audience Award

Dallas-Fort Worth Film Critics Association Awards 2010 DFWFCA Award for the Best Documentary

Las Vegas Film Critics Society Awards 2010 - Sierra Award for the Best Documentary

National Board of Review, USA 2010 - NBR Award for the Best Documentary