International Competition


Titus Faschina
Screening time  
27.02. / Monday, 15:00 - 17:00 Theatre 3  
02.03. / Friday, 22:00 - 00:00 Theatre 2  
Dumitru Stanciu is one of the last mountain shepherds of Europe. As his forefathers did for thousands of years, in summer as in winter he and his herd of sheep roam the far reaches of the Transylvanian Carpathian Mountains.

Dumitru Stanciu is one of the last mountain shepherds of Europe. As his forefathers did for thousands of years, in summer as in winter he and his herd of sheep roam the far reaches of the Transylvanian Carpathian Mountains, close to the edge of heaven. He lives amidst the myths of his mountains, between bears and wolves, in the sun, wind, snow and ice – and in constant concern for his animals. Soon, when he hangs his sheepskin coat on the wall for the last time, an irretrievable piece of Old Europe shall die. Or will his son Radu take over the herd?

Titus Faschina

Titus Faschina was born in Berlin in 1964. After studying communications science, German philology, literature and dramaturgy at the Humboldt Universität, Titus Faschina began his career as a writer and director for the most important German television stations. After various teaching experiences, in 2006 he became a professor of Visual Media and Dramaturgy at the University of Applied Sciences in Berlin.

General sponsor

Dem Himmel ganz nah

2010, 93', color, video

Directed by:
Titus Faschina

Screenplay by:
Titus Faschina

Bernd Fischer

Edited by:
Martin Eberle

Alexander Balanescu

Heino Deckert, Thomas Cuilei

Produced by:
MA.JA.DE. Filmproduktions GmbH

Festivals & Awards:

Thessaloniki IDF 2011 - WWF Award, Special Mention in the category Doc On Air Award; Lessinia Film Festival 2011 - Prize from the Provincia di Verona; Trento International Film Festival 2011 - Bruno Cagol Press Award; DOK Leipzig 2010; Transilvanian Film Festival Cluj Sibiu 2011; Open City International Documentary Festival London 2011