International Competition


Eline Flipse
Screening time  
27.02. / Monday, 13:00 - 15:00 Theatre 1  
01.03. / Thursday, 19:00 - 21:00 Theatre 3  
02.03. / Friday, 16:00 - 18:00 Theatre 2  
In Uljanovsk, Russia, a remote countryside village, political news from far-away Moscow is irrelevant and tiresome...

In Uljanovsk, Russia, a remote countryside village, political news from far-away Moscow is irrelevant and tiresome. Quitting his job at the national paper, The Leninist, rouge journalist Andrei Shkolni starts 'Naše novine'. With only his wife to help, he self-publishes stories affecting the local community. In an observational style, Eline Flipse follows Shkolni on his formidable quest to celebrate his unique but forgotten village. Reporting on a farmer’s lost dog or profiling the village doctor who cycles to house calls in -20°F weather boosts the paper’s popularity, but when Shkolni digs into issues such as the community’s lack of water supply, authorities threaten to shut down the indie operation. Shkolni’s tenacity and dedication to journalistic integrity are admirable and identifiable in this charming snapshot of contemporary Russia.

Eline Flipse

Eline Flipse studied French and Literature at the Sorbonne and graduated in 1978 from the Dutch Film and Television Academy. Since 1982 she has worked as a documentary. Filmography (selection): ‘Our Newspaper’ (2010), ‘Eat Your Enemy’ (2005), ‘Galina’ (2004), ‘Mourad – De man die niet bestond’ (2003), ‘Streven naar de zon’ (2001), ‘Biografi ’ (2000), ‘Typhoontschik’ (1999), ‘Russian Travellers in Africa’ (1998), ‘De plastic droom’ (1996), ‘Broken Silence’ (1995), ‘Het verschijnsel B’ (1982).

General sponsor

Our Newspaper

2011, 58', color, video

Directed by:
Eline Flipse

Screenplay by:
Eline Flipse

Erik van Empel

Edited by:
Puck Goossen

Maurice Horsthuis

Eline Flipse

Produced by:
Elifli Film

Festivals & Awards:

Hot Docs 2011 - Best Mid-Length Documentary