Regional Competition


Viktor Oszkar Nagy
Screening time  
27.02. / Monday, 18:00 - 20:00 Theatre 5  
29.02. / Wednesday, 16:00 - 18:00 Theatre 4  
A dramatic journey into the depths of being a refugee...

Lia, Ahmed, Bebe and Usama, came to Hungary from diff erent parts of the world and they are now in a Hungarian refugee camp. All of them have left their homeland for different reasons. Wars, family dramas, serious physical and psychological traumas drove them away, with their faces still carrying the story of their suff ering, their bodies still bearing the traces of violence. Soon they have to leave the camp and start the real living in an unknown country whose language they can hardly speak. Will they be able to settle down in a strange land? This film is a dramatic journey into the depths of being a refugee, and it shows us what it feels like when you have to start everything from scratch in a country unknown to you.

Viktor Oszkar Nagy

Viktor Oszkár Nagy was born in 1980. He graduated in 2007 as a film director at University of Drama and Film in Budapest. His diploma work was a feature film ‘Father’s Acre’. The film was nominated to European Film Awards. Since then he proved his talent in a number of film genres: he was involved in the successful television series ‘Logbook’ and he did one of the episodes of the popular ‘3 Weddings’ documentary series.

General sponsor


2011, 67', color, video

Directed by:
Viktor Oszkar Nagy

Screenplay by:
Viktor Oszkar Nagy

Rudolf Péter Kiss

Edited by:
Péter Sass

Hildur Gudnadottir, Salif Keita

Sára László, Marcell Gerő

Produced by:
Campfi lm Production

Festivals & Awards:

Jameson CineFest 2011 –  Best Documentary