Regional Competition


Mejra Mujičić, Nika Radić, Marina Viculin
Screening time  
01.03. / Thursday, 16:00 - 18:00 Theatre 4  
02.03. / Friday, 12:00 - 14:00 Theatre 5  
03.03. / Saturday, 12:00 - 14:00 Theatre 2  
Anything but a typical documentary 'There Was No Wind' centres on the island of Zlarin in a peculiar way...

Anything but a typical documentary 'There Was No Wind' centres on the island of Zlarin in a peculiar way: it is both a film about the island and a film about the documentary artistic form as such. It reveals the position of the documentary as a contradictory artistic form which tries to tell an objective truth, while, in fact, relying completely on the choices and decisions of its author.

Mejra Mujičić

Mejra Mujičić was born in Split in 1973. She obtained her degree from the Zagreb Academy of Fine Arts in 1996. She uses almost all media in her work (video, performance, painting, installations). Since 2001 she has managed Moria Gallery in Stari Grad on the island of Hvar. Since 2002 she has co-organized the Literature Festival Faro(pi)s. Her works have been shown on national and international exhibitions. 

Nika Radić

Nika Radić was born in Zagreb in 1968. She studied sculpture at the Zagreb Art Academy and art history at the University of Vienna. She made a couple of video works, some of which she exhibited as parts of gallery installations. She has shown her work on a film festivals but she mainly works as a visual artist.

Marina Viculin

Marina Viculin has been a Senior Curator of the Klovićevi Dvori Gallery in Zagreb since June 2004. She is working on a series of photo exhibitions called 'Snapshot'. She has prepared more than 30 photo exhibitions so far.

General sponsor


2011, 32', color, video

Directed by:
Mejra Mujičić, Nika Radić, Marina Viculin

Boris Poljak

Edited by:
Nika Radić, Mato Ilijić

Vera Robić - Škarica

Produced by:
Hrvatski Filmski Savez