Controversial Dox


Mads Brügger
Screening time  
27.02. / Monday, 22:00 - 00:00 Theatre 4  
A strange, enigmatic and decadent white diplomat arrives in central Africa, looking like a mixture of Henry Stanley and Karl Lagerfeld.

A strange, enigmatic and decadent white diplomat arrives in central Africa, looking like a mixture of Henry Stanley and Karl Lagerfeld. He has recently bought an ambassadorship and claims to be a do-good rich business man, who has come to spearhead a diplomatic mission. Officially he is there to start a factory that produces matches - this, to employ locals and teach how to make this simple piece of fire-making equipment. Unofficially he is really there to gain access to vast reserves of diamonds. 'The Ambassador' is a genre-breaking, tragic comedy about the bizarre world of African diplomacy.


Mads Brügger

Mads Brügger (1972) is a Danish journalist, TV-host, author and filmmaker. He has written several books, worked for magazines and newspapers, produced award winning radio programmes and hosted the critically acclaimed late night TV-programme The 11th hour as well as the daily news/debate programme Deadline. Furthermore, he has created satirical docu-series as 'Danes for Bush' (2004) and the feature-length documentary, 'The Red Chapel' (winner at Nordisk Panorama 2009 & Sundance 2010). Brügger is renown for his distinctive methods of 'performative journalism' as he infiltrates various milieus.

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2011, 94', color, video

Directed by:
Mads Brügger

Screenplay by:
Maja Jul Larsen, Mads Brügger

Johan Stahl Winthereik

Edited by:
Carsten Søsted, Kimmo Taavila, Leif Axel Kjeldsen

Tin Soheili, Niklas Schak

Peter Engel, Carsten Holst

Produced by: