

Jagoda Kaloper
Screening time  
27.02. / Monday, 21:00 - 23:00 Theatre 1  
Dealing with her own character, the author combines clips from internationally known films in which she had prominent roles and recent video recordings of her face in a mirror...

'Behind the Looking Glass' is a self-portrait made by combining a series of film clips dating back from 1965 to the present-day (showing how other people perceive the author) and introspectively made video footage of the author, made over the past decade. The film is a collage and a dialogue; it confronts the author's life and those of twenty or so characters that she played in her career. Dealing with her own character, the author combines clips from internationally known films in which she had prominent roles and recent video recordings of her face in a mirror – thus confronting two periods and two positions – the ones of observation and observer.

Jagoda Kaloper

Jagoda Kaloper was born in Zagreb in 1947. She obtained her degree from the Zagreb Academy of Arts in 1970. In the same year she became a member of the Croatian Association of Artists. As a freelance artist, she had a number of individual and group exhibitions. From 1965 to the present-day she acted in some twenty films (mostly in lead roles) of acclaimed directors such as D. Makavejev, K. Papić, R. Grlić, B. Žižić, T. Radić, S. Karanović, G. Rušinović...

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2011, 47', color/bw

Directed by:
Jagoda Kaloper

Screenplay by:
Jagoda Kaloper

Jagoda Kaloper, arhivske snimke

Edited by:
Martin Semenčić, Miran Miošić

Nenad Puhovski

Produced by: