

Goran Trbuljak
Screening time  
27.02. / Monday, 21:00 - 23:00 Theatre 1  
Liberté, égalite, fraternité'. Has the moment come to replace these words with some other ones or has the moment come to change ourselves?

In less than ten minutes and in his sharp, critical and pungent way, Trbuljak deals with some of the most important problems of modern world: its internal structure, (un)fairness and relation to the ideals of the French Revolution that all of us still invoke, even only declaratively. The film consists of several scenes, shot in various cities and on various continents, always showing the same: garbage containers and people digging out food scraps from them. Container covers slide open and closed and each of them hides one of the three words of the well-known ‘triptych’: 'Liberté, égalite, fraternité'. The question the author is making is: Has the moment come to replace these words with some other ones or has the moment come to change ourselves maybe?

Goran Trbuljak

Goran Trbuljak was born in 1948. He obtained his degree in Graphics at the Zagreb Academy of Fine Arts in 1972. After two years of advanced training in painting at the Ecole Nationale des Beaux Arts in Paris, he returned to Zagreb. In 1980 he took a degree in Cinematography at the Academy of Dramatic Arts. Since 1988 he has been a professor of Cinematography in the same department. As director of photography he worked on 25 films. In addition to films, he is also active in photography, video and painting. He won numerous awards for his works.

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2012, 9', color, video

Directed by:
Goran Trbuljak

Screenplay by:
Goran Trbuljak

Bau, Berlin; Rosalie Hübl, Mexico City; Antoni-Jordi Owusu, Accra; Bruno Reart, Paris; Kong Qui, Shanghai; Grgur Kulijaš, Zagreb; Goran Trbuljak, Zagreb

Edited by:
Višnja Skorin, 3D2D Animatori

Nenad Puhovski

Produced by: