State of Affairs


René Frölke
Screening time  
28.02. / Tuesday, 19:00 - 21:00 Theatre 1  
In October 2008, at the height of the economic crisis, the highest German statesman visits a University of Fine Arts.

In October 2008, at the height of the economic crisis, the highest German statesman visits a University of Fine Arts. There is talk of the arts and repeatedly of economy. It is also the attempt at communication under pressure. All those involved appear somewhat tense. Details are getting lost, simplifications occur. But underneath the rubble heap of text the movements of our time, our epoch become visible. Maybe something that in later days will be allocated as typical or characteristic for this time.

René Frölke

René Frölke was born 1978 in Eichsfeld, Germany. Since 1999 he is a freelance editor and cameraman for television and documentary film projects, including for Thomas Heise ('Material', 2009). Filmography as a director (selection): 'Von der Vermählung des Salamanders mit der grünen Schlange' (2010), 'Ropinsalmi' (2008), 'Der Gast' (2007), 'Jour de Grève' (2007), 'Roadmovie' (2006). He lives and works in Berlin.

General sponsor


2011, 37', bw, video

Directed by:
René Frölke

René Frölke

Edited by:
René Frölke

Ann Carolin Renninger

Produced by:
for Documentary Cinema at the University of the Arts and Design Karlsruhe, joon film