State of Affairs


Harold Crooks, Mathieu Roy
Screening time  
27.02. / Monday, 19:00 - 21:00 Theatre 1  
This documentary provides a subversive diagnosis of mankind's unique abilities and the danger they've brought to the world.

Based on Ronald Wright's bestselling book A Short History of Progress, this documentary provides a subversive diagnosis of mankind's unique abilities and the danger they've brought to the world. The film opens with a suggestive scene of primates performing elementary human tasks for a simple reward of fruit, and directors Mathieu Roy and Harold Crooks focus on the crucial differences and similarities between our genetic forbears and us. Unlike them, we have, as a behavioural scientist puts it, the ability to 'probe for unobservable phenomenon to explain the observable.' This is the key to science, philosophy, mechanics, industrialization and the rest of our 'progress.' But like the apes, we are defined by primeval impulses that, when married to our unique intelligence, can produce disastrous results. Climate change, brutal depletion of natural resources, economic inequality and an alienation from the natural world--is the price of our native intelligence too high?


Harold Crooks

Harold Crooks attended McGill University, the Delhi School of Economics, and The London Film School. He has co-written for several documentary features, including The Corporation (2003), which won the Audience Award at Sundance. His directorial debut, Surviving Progress (2011) was screened at 2011 ZagrebDox. The Price We Pay (2014) is his second documentary feature.

Mathieu Roy

Mathieu Roy is director, he has directed the documentaries 'François Girard en trois actes' (2005), 'Mort à Venise: Unvoyage musical avec Louis Lortie' (2009) and 'Surviving Progress' (codirector, 2011).

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2011, 87', color, video

Directed by:
Harold Crooks, Mathieu Roy

Screenplay by:
Harold Crooks, Mathieu Roy

Mario Janelle, Jean-Pierre St-Louis

Edited by:
Louis-Martin Paradis

Micheal Ramsey, Patrick Watson

Daniel Louis, Denise Robert, Gerry Flahive

Produced by:
Cinémaginaire, Big Picture Media Corporation, National Film Board of Canada