Teen Dox


Lise Birk Pedersen
Screening time  
03.03. / Saturday, 18:00 - 20:00 Theatre 4  
19-years-old girl Marsha once kissed Putin on the cheek, and after that she made no secret of her adoration for this ‘Napoleon of the Kremlin.’

Westerners may view Russia's Prime Minister Vladimir Putin as an undemocratic tyrant, but to many Russians he embodies all the qualities of a strong and charismatic father figure. An entire new generation has been united in the patriotic youth movement Nashi, which seeks to rid Russia of its ‘enemies.’ And quite naturally, these turn out to be anyone who does not support Putin and President Medvedev. Marsha, an intelligent 19-year-old, is the spokesperson for Nashi. She once kissed Putin on the cheek, and after that she made no secret of her adoration for this ‘Napoleon of the Kremlin.’ Until she came into contact with members of the liberal opposition, that is. One of them is the critical blogger Oleg Kashin, who compares Nashi with the Hitler Youth movement. Marsha finds herself on the horns of a moral dilemma: does Nashi allow enough scope for her own opinions, or must she give herself completely to the will of ‘the party’?

Lise Birk Pedersen

Lise Birk Pedersen was born 1974, Denmark. Graduated in documentary filmmaking from the National Film School of Denmark, in 2003. with short film 'Margarita'. Directed the documentary series 'The Jensen Family' (2005), 'On Horseback' (2006). 'Dear God' (2006) is a film about the postal office in Jerusalem that receives letters written to God. In 2011 she released two films from Russia: 'Nastya's Heart' and 'Putin's Kiss'.

General sponsor


Russia, Denmark
2012, 85', color, video

Directed by:
Lise Birk Pedersen

Screenplay by:
Lise Birk Pedersen

Lars Skree

Edited by:
Janus Billeskov Jansen, Steen Johannessen

Helle Faber

Produced by:
Monday Reporter, Made in Copenhagen

Festivals & Awards:

Sundance Film Festival 2012 – World Cinema Cinematography Award (Documentary)