Baltic Dox


Arunas Matelis, Audrius Stonys
Screening time  
27.02. / Monday, 14:00 - 16:00 Theatre 5  
A mystical gliding just above the treetops, meadows covered by early morning mist, as well as the narrow streets of Vilnius.

‘Flight Over Lithuania’ is a legendary film by Stonys and Matelis, which won honors as No. 4 of the Top 10 at the international exhibition EXPO 2000 in Hanover, Germany as one of the best films, demonstrated at the exhibition. The film features an incredibly low angel's flight over the dunes of Nida, Trakai castle, the lakes of Aukstaitija (Highlands), the roofs of the Old Town of Vilnius and the fantastically beautiful church steeples. It's like a mystical gliding just above the treetops, meadows covered by early morning mist, as well as the narrow streets of Vilnius. The film has combined a real sense of flying, modern technologies and classic poetic documentary.


Arunas Matelis

Arūnas Matelis was born in Kaunas, Lithuania, in 1961. He studied mathematics and he obtained a degree in theatre and television at the Lithuanian Musical Academy. In 1991, he founded Nominum, one of the first independent production houses in Lithuania, producing ‘creative’ documentaries awarded by festival juries in Cannes, Rotterdam, Amsterdam and Oberhausen. Among them are: Before Flying Back to the Earth (2005, Big Stamp Award at 2006 ZagrebDox), Flight over Lithuania or 510 Seconds of Silence (2004), Sunday: The Gospel According Lift-Man Albertas (2003).


Audrius Stonys

Audrius Stonys, born in 1966 in Lithuania, is a member of the European Film Academy and the European Documentary Network. Since embarking on his creative activities in the last years of the Soviet Empire, he has made 14 films as an independent filmmaker and producer. His films have won many international film awards. In 1992 the film Earth of the Blind received the European Film Academy award for the Best European Documentary film of the Year. His film Ramen won Special Mention in the International Competition Program at 2012 ZagrebDox. Stonys’s films were screened as part of the Baltic Dox program at 2012 ZagrebDox.

General sponsor

Skrydis per Lietuva arba 510 sekundziu tylos

2000, 8', color, video

Directed by:
Arunas Matelis, Audrius Stonys

Screenplay by:
Arunas Matelis, Audrius Stonys

Vytautas Survila

Edited by:
Gintas Smilga

Gintaras Sodelka

Arunas Matelis

Produced by:
Film Studio Nominum