Baltic Dox


Maris Maskalans, Andis Miziss
Screening time  
03.03. / Saturday, 14:00 - 16:00 Theatre 5  
A vivid story about the relationships between birds and people in the city.

This is a vivid story about the relationships between birds and people in the city. The film’s main characters are the population of Common Terns, which lives on the printing house roof of the Riga Press Building during summer. This population is believed to be the largest of its kind in northern Europe. Is it a never-ending struggle or harmony between species, 200 pairs of Terns, or a million inhabitants, who does what to whom? During the film various human attitudes towards the birds will emerge. The attitude of the birds is clear - they view things from above.

Maris Maskalans

Maris Maskalans is a Latvian cinematographer and director, he usually works with other well known Latvian directors Laila Pakalnina and Andis Miziss.

Andis Miziss

General sponsor

2001, 30', color, video

Directed by:
Maris Maskalans, Andis Miziss

Screenplay by:
Maris Maskalans

Maris Maskalans

Edited by:
Raimonds Spakovskis

Arnis Madnis

Uldis Cekulis

Produced by:
Vides Filmu Studija