Danish Film School


Frank Piasecki Poulsen
Screening time  
27.02. / Monday, 14:00 - 16:00 Theatre 4  
A film about David, an illegal immigrant from Yugoslavia.

David is from Yugoslavia. He develops his 8 and 16mm films using his own method that he calls ‘spaghetti technique’. Then he plays a trumpet he found in a city dump. He also takes care about fish in his aquarium. ‘They must feel good’, he says. Oh, yes, there's something else: David is an illegal immigrant. 

Frank Piasecki Poulsen

Frank Piasecki Poulsen is born 1975, Denmark. Graduated from the National Film School of Denmark, 2001. Worked as director, photographer and scenarist, primarily for the national broadcaster DR. Poulsen is well travelled, especially in Africa. In the making of ‘Guerrilla Girl’ (2005), Poulsen lived in a FARC training camp for three months. The film attracted worldwide interest, was showcased at IDFA’s First Appearance programme, at CPh:DOX, AFI’s Silver Docs, Havana and Sheffield, as well as at One World human Rights Festival, Prague. ‘Blood in the Mobile’ (2010) was screened at IDFA’s Feature-length Competition.