Danish Film School


Mikala Krogh
Screening time  
27.02. / Monday, 14:00 - 16:00 Theatre 4  
A film about weather forecast, forgivness and dimensions.

'MK' is a film about a monk, an artist and a physicist. And about the rest of the world. Also, it is a film about weather forecast, forgivness and dimensions.  

Mikala Krogh

Mikala Krogh, born 1973, Denmark, graduated as a documentary director from the Danish National Film School in 2001 with the documentary 'MK'. She worked for the radio for several years before making her debut 'Epilog' in 1992. The film 'My Grandad’s Murderer' (2004) was awarded in Seville and Paris, documentary 'Beth’s Diary' (2006) won Best Short Documentary at the CPH:DOX festival.

General sponsor


2001, 33', color, video

Directed by:
Mikala Krogh

Produced by:
The National Film School of Denmark