Danish Film School


Phie Ambo
Screening time  
28.02. / Tuesday, 14:00 - 16:00 Theatre 4  
Sometimes, happiness can strike us with fear...

Sometimes, happiness can strike us with fear: a woman at an advanced stage of pregnancy has a nightmare; a pathologist (also a father of eight) is afraid of dying; a girl dives on her own in immense ocean. In the meantime, a film director bids farewell to death in order to be able to give a new life. 

Phie Ambo

Phie Ambo was born in 1973, Denmark. She graduated in documentary film directing at the National Film School of Denmark in 1999. Ambo is the winner of IDFA’s Joris Ivens Award for ‘Family’ (2001), co-directed with Sami Saif. After directing ‘Gambler’ (2006), a portrait of film director Nicolas Winding Refn in the midst of a crisis, her film ‘Mechanical Love’ (2007), about robots and emotions, was selected for the Joris Ivens Competition. ‘The Home Front’ (2010) is selected for Mid-length Competition at IDFA.

General sponsor

2003, 27', color, video

Directed by:
Phie Ambo

Sebastian Winterø

Edited by:
Theis Schmidt

Mia Marie Borup