Danish Film School


Mette Carla T. Albrechtsen
Screening time  
02.03. / Friday, 14:00 - 16:00 Theatre 4  
Can someone be a virgin and a gay and like girls at the same time?

Can someone be a virgin and a gay and like girls at the same time? This film is an intimate study of six homosexual boys. Many typical embarrassing situations from adolescence, like the story about Peter ‘the Stallion’, past relationships and potential loss of virginity while watching a Disney movie. 

Mette Carla T. Albrechtsen

Mette Carla T. Albrechtsen graduated from The National Film School of Denmark 2009 with the film 'XY – Anatomy of a Boy'. Before attending film school, she was studying graphic design and Art Direction at The Graphic Arts Institute in Copenhagen. Her work mainly revolves around sexuality, gender, kids and teenage issues.

General sponsor

2009, 29', color, video

Directed by:
Mette Carla T. Albrechtsen

Mette Carla T. Albrechtsen, Nadim Carlsen

Edited by:
Rasmus Gitz - Johansen

Martin Pedersen / Green Panda

Mette Carla T. Albrechtsen

Produced by:
The National Film School of Denmark