Fade In Retrospective

Eenie, Meenie, Miney, Mo

Miroslav Sikavica
Screening time  
29.02. / Wednesday, 15:00 - 17:00 Theatre 1  
A childhood in the 1980s and '90s and adulthood in the present day.

One sequence of memories goes like this: socialist youth ('pioneers'), a cartoon at 7:15 PM, bat sleeves, key rings of telephone wire, Coca-Cola for birthday parties and New Year's Eves, Sara Kay sticker album, Eurovision, Dinasty, Smogovci show, Bravo magazine. The second sequence includes: Cartoon Network, McDonald's, Cro Army sticker album, Marisol and Esmeralda soap operas, Spice Girls and Barbie. Then comes a sequence containing Brad Pitt, cell phones, Yu Gi Oh cartoons, designer clothes worn by female celebrities, Big Brother. What is the link between them? Childhood. A childhood in the 1980s and '90s and adulthood in the present day.

Miroslav Sikavica

Miroslav Sikavica, a film and TV director, was born in Zagreb in 1975. His filmography includes: ‘The Cloud’ (2011), ‘Od 6 mjeseci do 3 godine’ (2010), ‘Direkt: Čardak ni na nebu ni na zemlji’ (2009), ‘Direkt: Lopta, cipela, Coca-Cola’ (2008) ‘Gospođa za prije’ (2007), ‘Direkt: C2H5OH’ (2006), ‘Kako miriše nebo’ (2003), ‘Pad’ (2002). 'The Cloud' is his first feature-length documentary.

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2006, 30', color, video

Directed by:
Miroslav Sikavica

Screenplay by:
Miroslav Sikavica

Goran Legović

Edited by:
Nina Velnić

Hrvoje Mabić, Nebojša Slijepčević

Produced by:
Fade In