Fade In Retrospective

Industrial Paradise

Marijan Crtalić
Screening time  
27.02. / Monday, 15:00 - 17:00 Theatre 1  
The today's treatment of the workers' cultural heritages illustrates the modern treatment of workers and work in general.

The art colony of Sisak Ironworks was organized in the period from 1971 to 1990. In total, 178 artists took part in it, creating 686 works of art, primarily paintings and sculptures, reliefs, drawings, objects and photographs. Today, some thirty sculptures can be seen in the plant's workers' village. In the days of the colony, works of art would be bought and presented to meritorious workers as a reward. 1,172 works of art were bought and presented as gifts. In those days, the ironworks employed some 15,000 workers. Today, the plant is owned by a U.S. company and has only 1,000 employees. The today's treatment of the workers' cultural heritages illustrates the modern treatment of workers and work in general.

Marijan Crtalić

Marijan Crtalić was born in Sisak in 1968. He obtained his degree in painting at the Zagreb Academy of Visual Arts in 1992. After his studies, he explores media such as video, photography and performance. His work is based on his relation to himself and his interaction with the environment. He works were exhibited on numerous individual and group exhibitions in Croatia and abroad. The awards he received include T-HTVMSU Award (2010), Fibula Film Festival Audience Award (2009), 26th Zagreb Youth Salon Award and AICA Award at the 36th Zagreb Salon (2001), 1st Sisak Salon of Youth Award (2000). He lives and works in Zagreb and Sisak.

General sponsor


2009, 20', color, video

Directed by:
Marijan Crtalić

Screenplay by:
Marijan Crtalić

Josip Ivančić, Jure Černec, Marijan Crtalić

Edited by:
Lovro Čepelak, Morana Komljenović, Vladimir Gojun

Magdalena Petrović

Produced by:
Fade In

Festivals & Awards:

Second Prize at the competition sponsored by T-HT and Zagreb Museum of Contemporary Art (MSU) 2010