

Wednesday, 29 February 2012, 5pm / Festival Center

This meeting will discuss financing and marketing of documentary films in Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Croatia. Its co-organizers are MEDIA Desk Estonia, National Film Center of Latvia and MEDIA Desk Croatia. Experience and ideas will be shared by Ilze Gailite Holmberg, Director of National Film Center of Latvia; Marje Jurtshenko, program editor on Estonian television ETV2; Audrius Stonys, Lithuanian documentaries whose films have been selected for this year’s ZagrebDox program; Martina Petrović from MEDIA Desk Croatia; producer Siniša Juričić as a representative of Croatian Producers Guild; Hrvoje Hribar, director of the Croatian Audiovisual Centre and Nenad Puhovski, Director of ZagrebDox and Factum.

Moderated by Tue Steen Müller, Baltic Documentary Retrospective selector