Rules and regulations of ZagrebDox Pro

ARTICLE 1 / General Provisions

ZagrebDox Pro is a program intended for authors and producers of documentary films. It takes place during ZagrebDox International Documentary Film Festival. ZagrebDox Pro is supported by the Zagreb City Office for Education, Culture and Sports, Croatian Audiovisual Center, European Union's MEDIA Program and sponsors.

ZagrebDox Pro project aims at stimulating exchange of information in the documentary film community, helping participants to acquire successfully the skills required for finding international partners for co-financing of their films, enabling exchange of creative ideas and knowledge, providing an insight into contemporary documentary film production and expediting the networking of authors and producers of documentary projects with potential partners, financiers and documentary cinema operators. 

The official language of ZagrebDox Pro program shall be English language.

 ARTICLE 2 / The Program of ZagrebDox Pro Project

ZagrebDox Pro consists of two workshops, THE REALITY CHECK WORKSHOP and A DOX PROPOSAL CRASH COURSE, and PHONE DOX event that includes a competition for cell-phone-made documentary films and the meeting of their authors.

The workshops are intended for selected participants only. All programs which are open to public (lectures, presentations, round tables, screenings etc) are clearly specified in ZagrebDox program.


THE REALITY CHECK WORKSHOP is a four-day program that includes a three-day workshop and the Pitching Forum.

Directors and producers from all over the world can participate in the workshop. In specific cases, they can be accompanied by a scriptwriter, cinematographer or editor. While teams of participants generally have two members, they can have up to three members. When considering applications for the workshop, priority will be given to the projects from Albania, Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Montenegro, Croatia, Italy, Kosovo, Hungary, Macedonia, Romania, Slovenia and Serbia, projects from other countries thematically dealing with the above specified region, projects of authors from that region or of those who have already found or are still seeking co-producers from that region. 

After three days of project improvement under the guidance of acclaimed lecturers, directors and/or producers of twelve selected projects will have an opportunity to present their projects on the Pitching Forum to the group of qualified regional and international documentary TV program editors and representatives of film foundations. Only those team members who participated in the workshop can participate on the Pitching Forum. The format of the Pitching Forum includes a 7-minute presentation (including video footage and other visual materials) and an 8-minute period for questions of the panel members. 

One-on-one meetings of the participants and panel members will also be arranged. 

Up to 6 observers can attend the workshop. Candidates for observers can apply on after the workshop selection has been announced. They must send an e-mail entitled I WANT TO BE AN OBSERVER. In the e-mail message, candidates must give their full name, e-mail address and phone number.

Projects can be submitted using the online Application Form to which a link to the trailer, up to five photos and project study should be attached. The project study must include a short synopsis and description of characters (max. 1 page), a budget and production plan summary (max. 1 page), director's biography (1/2 a page) and producer's references (1/2 a page). 

The Application Form and project study (font: Arial 11) must be in English language, the budget must be specified in Euros and the trailer must have English subtitles. 

ZagrebDox Pro will cover transport expences and accommodation expenses of six participants of THE REALITY CHECK WORKSHOP. 

All participants of THE REALITY CHECK WORKSHOP will receive a diploma confirming their participation. One of the projects will be selected for online mentorship during a period of one year. This award will be presented at the closing ceremony of ZagrebDox. All participants of THE REALITY CHECK WORKSHOP are obliged to clearly show the logo of ZagrebDox Pro project in the closing credits of the completed film with which they participated in the workshop while the film was still in the project phase. The logo can be downloaded from the ZagrebDox Internet pages. 


A DOX PROPOSAL CRASH COURSE is a one-day workshop for up to 25 participants, intended for directors and producers. The workshop aims at providing the participants an insight into the other side of the selection process, explaining the approach that workshop, fund and festival selectors employ when reading projects and watching films. The workshop is organized in cooperation with the organization DOCUMENTARY IN EUROPE. 


PHONE DOX is a competition for the best cell-phone-made film with the running time of up to 15 minutes. Authors from all over the world are invited to submit their cell-phone-made films. The theme films must deal with is MY NEIGHBOUR IS A EUROPEAN... An application must include a filled-out online Application Form and an online or DVD screener of the film.

Five selected films will be shown in ZagrebDox program. They will compete for the award which is to be presented at the closing ceremony of the festival. The best film will be selected by a three-member jury and the award is provided by the sponsor of the competition. 

ARTICLE 6 / Accreditation

All the participants selected for taking part in ZagrebDox Pro 2013 project will receive the PRO accreditation from ZagrebDox organizer. The accreditation will enable them access to all festival events and free admission to all screenings. 

ARTICLE 7 / The Organizer

The organizer of ZagrebDox Pro project is Factum, a non-governmental and non-profit organization: Factum, Nova Ves 18/3, 10 000 Zagreb, Croatia, tel.: +385 1 4854 821, fax: +385 1 4854 823, e-mail:, web:, tax file number: 81603361175, direct transfer account: 2360000-1101981123.

ARTICLE 8 / Final Provisions

The Rules are written in Croatian and English languages. All participants of ZagrebDox Pro shall accept the Rules. The Croatian version shall be the authoritative, conclusive and binding version for purposes of interpretation. The court of jurisdiction in Zagreb shall be the only competent court for any dispute arising from the issues related to ZagrebDox Pro. The Director of Factum has the discretionary right to decide on and resolve the issues not specified in the Rules.