Film by top world documentary filmmakers in Masters of Dox


A 3D omnibus 'Cathedrals of Culture' and the latest works by Sergei Loznitsa, Godfrey Reggio, Lixin Fan and Petar Krelja in the Masters of Dox.

Masters of Dox, a section that has been presenting works by world top-rated filmmakers to the ZagrebDox audience for years, in its 11th edition includes a series of specially interesting titles, with a 3D conceptual omnibus and an inspired ode to the art of architecture Cathedrals of Culture, in which six great directors speak about six iconic buildings, followed by Maidan, the latest work by Ukrainian filmmaker Sergei Loznitsa, registering the events in Kiev’s main square Maidan during the protests against Viktor Yanukovych’s regime, and the latest film by the American experimental author Godfrey Reggio Visitors, in which he renews his collaboration with one of the most important contemporary composers, Philip Glass, and challenges the experience of observing and the relationship between man and technology.

The Masters of Dox section includes the newest film by the Chinese-Canadian documentarian Lixin Fan I Am Here, following the generation of Chinese born after the 1989 student protests, with a focus on ‘the lucky few’ who got a chance to participate in a TV show for boys, Superboy, a Chinese version of X Factor, as well as the latest film by Croatian director Petar Krelja Oluje se uvijek vraćaju kući.

Watch trailers:
Cathedrals of Culture


I Am Here
