International Competition

Of Men and War

Laurent Bécue-Renard
Screening time  
25.02. / Wednesday, 19:00 - 22:00 Theatre 4  
28.02. / Saturday, 19:00 - 22:00 Theatre 1  
Former soldiers with PTSD openly speak about their fears and war front traumas, facing the feelings of guilt and remorse.

Anger consumes a dozen combat vets long after their return from the front. The warriors in Of Men and War have come home to the United States, but their minds are stuck out on the battlefield. Like figures from a Greek tragedy, all have traumatic memories that haunt them to this day. Ghosts and echoes of the war fill their lives. Threats seem to spring out from everywhere. Wives, children, and parents bear the brunt of their fractured spirits. At The Pathway Home, a first-of-its-kind PTSD therapy center, the film's protagonists resolve to end the ongoing destruction. Their therapist is a Vietnam vet himself, helping the young men forge meaning from their trauma. Over years of therapy, Of Men and War explores their grueling paths to recovery, as they attempt to make peace with themselves, their past, and their families.


Laurent Bécue-Renard

Laurent Bécue-Renard is a French director and producer. In 1995 and 1996, while living in Sarajevo during the siege, he served as editor-in-chief of the magazine Sarajevo Online and published a series of short stories – The Sarajevo Chronicles. After the conflict he began exploring war’s enduring impact on three widows from the therapy center and made War-Wearied documentary about them. Film was screened at dozens of festivals and received the Berlin International Film Festival’s Peace Film Award, among others. Film Of Men and War is the second volume of his trilogy Genealogy of Wrath.

General sponsor

Of Men and War

2014, 142', DCP

Directed by:
Laurent Bécue-Renard

Screenplay by:
Laurent Bécue-Renard

Camille Cottagnoud

Edited by:
Isidore Bethel, Sophie Brunet, Charlotte Boigeol

Kudsi Erguner

Laurent Bécue-Renard

Produced by:
Alice Films

Festivals & Awards:

European Film Awards 2014 – Nominated for the Best Documentary Award; Cannes Film Festival 2014