International Competition

Pelican in the Desert

Viesturs Kairišs
Screening time  
23.02. / Monday, 18:00 - 20:00 Theatre 5  
24.02. / Tuesday, 14:00 - 16:00 Theatre 5  
A story about a country within a country, about Latgale which marks the furthest eastern border of the European Union.

Pelican in the Desert is a story about a country within a country, about Latgale which marks the furthest eastern border of the European Union. Sometimes it resembles an island surrounded by waters, but at others a desert with a snowbound coffin with rescued mankind. The greatest spiritual tension in Latvia prevails there – this is a Catholic region, full of Orthodox believers, old-believers and ruined Jewish temples. Latgale disappears into its own special way of existence that has made it a detached and magic place for centuries. At the same time, the film is a portrait of a land made up of people, life’s spiritual and physical extremism, and a quite Christian resurrection.


Viesturs Kairišs

Viestur Kairish is film, theatre and opera director born in 1971. Since graduating from the Latvian Academy of Culture, Department of Film and Theatre Directing in 1997 he has made several notable feature films and documentaries. Kairish made his short film debut in 1998 with The Train. The short drama The Wedding followed two years later. In 2001 Kairish directed his first feature-length movie Leaving by the Way. In 2001 he participated in the 49th Venice Bienniale with short film Magic Flute. In 2006 followed his 2nd feature-length film The Dark Deer. His latest documentaries include Lohengrin from Varka Kru (2009) and Pelican in the Desert (2014).

General sponsor

Pelikāns tuksnesī

2014, 68', DCP

Directed by:
Viesturs Kairišs

Screenplay by:
Viestur Kairish

Gints Bērziņš

Edited by:
Andra Doršs

Roberts Vinovskis

Produced by:
Locomotive Productions

Festivals & Awards:

Visions du Réel 2014; Riga International Film Festival 2014; Let's Cee Film Festival 2014