International Competition

Rules of the Game

Claudine Bories, Patrice Chagnard
Screening time  
23.02. / Monday, 17:00 - 19:00 Theatre 1  
26.02. / Thursday, 14:00 - 16:00 Theatre 2  
28.02. / Saturday, 22:00 - 00:00 Theatre 1  
A topical and tragicomic film in which the customer is sometimes wrong. But the system is not right either.

Here are a few points from the rule book for job interviews: wash and brush your hair, wear some pretty make-up (if you’re a woman), do not wear sneakers, do not sit down before you’re asked to and, whatever happens, never be too honest. Easy, right? Not if you’re twenty, French and have trouble fitting into a mold, let alone the mold presented to you by a government-backed employment agency. Lolita once stabbed her classmate in the eye with a compass because she got fed up with him. Hamid wants to kill his brother. Kevin’s shortcoming is that he neither wants to market himself nor be bothered to travel too far for work, especially if the pay is crap. The agency people talk of job hunting as a personal, professional project. The goals of the agency and those looking for work might be similar but teaching and learning the tricks proves to be difficult. Claudine Bories and Patrice Chagnard have crafted a topical and tragicomic film in which the customer is sometimes wrong. But the system is not right either.


Claudine Bories

Claudine Bories began her career in theatre. In 1968, she directed her first of many future documentaries. Between 1990 and 2002, she helped run a creative centre dedicated to documentary cinema in Seine Saint Denis, and started the Documentary Cinema Meetings.


Patrice Chagnard

Patrice Chagnard studied Philosophy at the Sorbonne. Since 1977, he’s dedicated himself to directing documentaries. He was president at Addoc, a group that brings together French documentarists. Their film Arrivals was screened  in the International Competition of ZagrebDox 2010.

General sponsor

Les reglès du jeu

2014, 106', DCP

Directed by:
Claudine Bories, Patrice Chagnard

Screenplay by:
Claudine Bories, Patrice Chagnard

Patrice Chagnard

Edited by:
Stéphanie Goldschmidt

Muriel Meynard, Patrick Sobelman

Produced by:
Agat Films

Festivals & Awards:

DOK Leipzig 2014 – Grand Prix Golden Dove; DocPoint – Helsinki Documentary Film Festival 2014; Antenna Documentary Film Festival 2014;  Cannes Film Festival 2014; Espoo Ciné International Film Festival 2014; Rencontres du Cinéma Documentaire 2014; Pravo Ljudski Film Festival Sarajevo 2014; Lussas Etats Généraux 2014; Montréal Festival du Nouveau Cinéma 2014; Sydney International Documentary Film 2014; Florence Festival dei Popoli 2014; Belgrade Magnificent 7 Festival 2015