International Competition


Paweł Łoziński
Screening time  
23.02. / Monday, 13:00 - 15:00 Theatre 1  
26.02. / Thursday, 18:00 - 20:00 Theatre 3  
Where are the limits of human sacrifice?

Where does human sacrifice come from? Where are its limits? The life of the protagonist is not a bed of roses. From dawn to dusk her day is filled with chores, her work in a plant manufacturing matches is just an episode. The woman wants to make up for her past mistakes. Together with her husband, she decides to take care of disabled Weronika. Privately, quietly, with no lofty words, she handles her everyday struggle, which is where the real sacrifice is required.


Paweł Łoziński

Paweł Łoziński is Polish director, cinematographer and producer of documentaries. He is author of more than 20 award-winning documentaries and graduate of the Directing Department at the Film School in Lodz. He makes distinct and emotionally charged films about people of whom he draws intimate portraits. His films such as debut Birthplace, Sisters, Chemo, Father and Son (ZagrebDox 2014) and You Have No Idea How Much I Love You are considered innovative as they venture into new thematic areas and explore uncharted spaces within the documentary film genre.

General sponsor


2014, 40', DCP

Directed by:
Paweł Łoziński

Screenplay by:
Paweł Łoziński

Paweł Łoziński, Wojciech Staroń

Edited by:
Dorota Wardęszkiewicz

Paweł Łoziński

Produced by:
Łoziński Production

Festivals & Awards:

Krakow Film Festival 2014 – Maciej Szumowski Award; IDFA 2014; Polish Film Festival in America 2014; Festival dei Popoli 2014; International Film Festival WATCH DOCS 2014; International Film Festival Camerimage 2014; Carnegie Mellon International Film Festival in Pittsburgh 2015