Regional Competition


Želimir Žilnik
Screening time  
23.02. / Monday, 15:00 - 17:00 Theatre 4  
25.02. / Wednesday, 14:00 - 16:00 Theatre 3  
27.02. / Friday, 19:00 - 21:00 Theatre 4  
Docu-drama focused on the general notions of asylum in Serbia, legal procedures for asylum seekers and irregular migrants.

This docu-drama focuses on the general notions of asylum in Serbia, legal procedures for asylum seekers and irregular migrants. At the same time it is trying to paint the image the asylum seekers have of their hosts. Testimonies of asylum seekers, irregular migrants, as well as state officials and NGOs are puzzles in the story of the Serbian asylum system, everyday dealing with dozens of people from Syria, Afghanistan, Somalia, Ghana and other remote countries. Difficult travelling conditions, traffickers, fight for fundamental rights – these are only some of the obstacles asylum seekers face before entering Serbia, on their year-long path to desired freedom.


Želimir Žilnik

Želimir Žilnik was born in 1942 in Niš, and he is living and working in Novi Sad, Serbia. He has written and directed numerous fiction and documentary films which have garnered many awards at national and international film festivals. He is one of the pioneers of the docu-drama genre. From the very beginning his films have focussed on contemporary issues, featuring social, political and economic assessments of everyday life: Newsreel on Village Youth, in Winter (1967), Little Pioneers (1968), The Unemployed (1968), June Turmoil (1969), Black Film (1971), Uprising in Jazak (1973). Žilnik’s fiction debut Early Works (1969) won the Golden Bear at Berlinale and four awards at Pula Film Festival. In 1995 his film Marble Ass won the prestigious Teddy Award at Berlinale. ZagrebDox has screened Žilnik’s films Logbook Serbistan (2015), Pirika on Film (2013) and Europe Next Door (2005), which won the Big Stamp. He was an International Jury member at ZagrebDox 2019. Žilnik’s latest films are The Most Beautiful Country in the World (2018) and Among the People: Life & Acting (2018).

General sponsor


2015, 94', DCP

Directed by:
Želimir Žilnik

Screenplay by:
Želimir Žilnik

Miodrag Milošević, Orfeas Skutelis

Edited by:
Vuk Vukmirović

Gabriella Benak, Milan Nenin

Sarita Matijević

Produced by:
Playground produkcija