Regional Competition


Hrvoje Mabić
Screening time  
24.02. / Tuesday, 19:00 - 21:00 Theatre 1  
26.02. / Thursday, 15:00 - 17:00 Theatre 4  
28.02. / Saturday, 13:00 - 15:00 Theatre 2  
After Ana's trauma, the film follows her relationship with girlfriend Martina which believes in her recovery.

One summer Ana arranges a wedding with her girlfriend Martina in Amsterdam. In Martina she found what she longed for – a girlfriend who does not think of her as “mad” and believes in her recovery. Martina knows that Ana’s difficult mental states are the consequence of a trauma caused by her parents and the psychiatrist who wanted to cure her homosexuality. She is convinced Ana will be a perfect partner when she passes her traumatic period. It is upon Ana to exorcise the hell of the past, which still burns inside her.


Hrvoje Mabić

Hrvoje Mabić was born in 1974. In 1988 he obtained his degree in Philosophy and in 1999 he started his production studio Fade In. He was its main producer until 2002. Since 2002 he has been producing and directing the documentary series Direkt. He directed 30 episodes and co-directed another 25 episodes. He also directed a number of TV series (A Class, Staying Alive, The Dvorniks) and fifteen socially-committed TV ads. His documentary film 4th Monkey was screened in the Regional Competition of 2014 ZagrebDox.

General sponsor


2015, 85', DCP

Directed by:
Hrvoje Mabić

Screenplay by:
Hrvoje Mabić

Bojana Burnać, Almir Fakić

Edited by:
Žarko Korać, Hrvoje Mabić

Marko Mihalinec

Morana Komljenović, Iva Tkalec, Vinko Brešan, Nebojša Taraba

Produced by:
Fantastično dobra institucija Fade in, Zagreb film, Drugi plan