Happy Dox

Naked Nation

Filip Remunda
Screening time  
28.02. / Saturday, 20:00 - 22:00 Theatre 5  
Naked nation is a tale of love and hate, a satire about the interpretation of national stereotypes and an exploration on the social role of the sea.

“The reason why Czech tourists climb Biokovo Mountains in flip-flops or face inevitable death when sailing the open sea on pedal boats isn’t because they are high on ecstasy. The true reason is that unlike Croatians, Czechs still live the adventurous spirit of animated films, which we all grew up on. Even as adults Czechs still keep the unflagging optimism of animated film characters like Pat and Mat and enjoy life the same as Bolek and Lolek. Simply they have never grown up and I envy them for that.“ These words were written by a Croatian journalist Boris Dežulović. His article The unhappy soldier Svejk was the central inspiration for Filip Remunda’s new film. Naked nation is a tale of love and hate, a satire about the interpretation of national stereotypes and an exploration on the social role of the sea.


Filip Remunda

Filip Remunda is the co-founder of the Institute of Documentary Film. In addition, he heads the Hypermarket Film production company with Vít Klusák, and together they filmed Czech Dream (2004) and Czech Peace (2010).

General sponsor

Obnažený národ

Czech Republic
2014, 52'

Directed by:
Filip Remunda

Screenplay by:
Filip Remunda

Jakub Halousek

Edited by:
Marek Šulík

Vít Klusák, Filip Remunda, Petr Kubica

Produced by:
Hypermarket Film, Czech Television

Festivals & Awards:

Finále Plzeň Film Festival 2014; DokuMA Film Festival 2014