Croatian Musical Documentaries


Filip Meštrović, Marinko Marinkić
Screening time  
24.02. / Tuesday, 16:00 - 18:00 Theatre 2  
This documentary focuses on three girls from the popular rock band Punčke, from Vinkovci.

This documentary focuses on three girls from the popular rock band Punčke, from Vinkovci. The film follows their first five years, focusing on their stage status and public perception. Through dreams and music, we see the world from their point of view. We also see some unseen images, as well as known figures of the Vinkovci rock scene. The film was made in spring 2012 at different locations in Croatia and Slovenia. It premiered at DORF in 2013 and screened at Liburnia Film Festival and Cinema City in Skopje.

General sponsor


2013, 28', video

Directed by:
Filip Meštrović, Marinko Marinkić

Screenplay by:
Filip Meštrović

Filip Meštrović, Marinko Marinkić

Edited by:
Filip Meštrović, Marinko Marinkić


Toni Šarić

Produced by:
Udruga ljubitelja filma RARE

Festivals & Awards:

Kastav Film Festival 2013; Grossmann Fantastic Film & Wine Festival 2013; Cinema City 2013; Liburnia Film Festival 2013