Croatian Musical Documentaries

The Cinkuši

Ljiljana Šišmanović
Screening time  
27.02. / Friday, 16:00 - 18:00 Theatre 2  
The film about the Cinkuši, an unusual band of ‘world music rockers playing ethno-folk-rock – in the kaj dialect’.

The Cinkuši are an unusual band of ‘world music rockers playing ethno-folk-rock – in the kaj dialect’. They connect their kaj-roots and heritage with contemporary music, using a wide array of authors and texts like Miroslav Krleža, Carmina Burana or the Genesis. Their powerful authorial approach and emotional music erase all language barriers. Their story begins with their arrival on the set, where they are making a video for their song Bratec kosi. Ljiljana Šišmanović’s 30-minute documentary delves deep into their history and gives us a chance to meet the young Petrica Kerempuh who listened to The Ramones.

General sponsor

The Cinkuši

2008, 32', video

Directed by:
Ljiljana Šišmanović

Screenplay by:
Ljiljana Šišmanović

Mario Britvić

Edited by:
Hrvoje Mršić

Nera Zembjak

Produced by:
Hrvatska televizija