
Life Sentence

Nurit Kedar, Yaron Shani
Screening time  
25.02. / Wednesday, 18:00 - 20:00 Theatre 5  
A family portrait which will bind the past and the present to create a mosaic of memories, feelings of an untold harsh story.

Nimer Ahmed is the son of Fauzi al Nimer, an Arab from Acca, and a Jewish woman from Nahariya. Two identities rolled into one, two pasts that were still compatible at the time of his birth in the early 1960s. But only up until the discovery of a secret that is unmentionable for his mother and sister: Fauzi is a terrorist, responsible for 22 attacks in Israel. Unity collapses. The mother and sister find refuge and new identities, cleansed, within the orthodox Jewish community. For Nimer, married to a Muslim cousin from Acca, the pained search for sense coincides with his participation in this film and a final extreme encounter with his father, who has been deported to Gaza. He forcefully refuses the role of collateral victim of a conflict he could be the symbol for.


Nurit Kedar

Nurit Kedar is acclaimed Israeli documentary filmmaker. She was Senior Producer at the CNN bureau in Jerusalem and an Executive Producer of Israeli Channel 2. Kedar directed the award winning films: Borders (2000), Lebanon Dream (2001), Asesino (2002), One Shot (2004), Hanuszka (2006), Wasted (2007), Concrete (2011), White Night (2012).


Yaron Shani

Yaron Shani graduated at Tel Aviv University. He is co-director, writer, editor and associate producer of Ajami (with Scandar Copti), documentary film nominated for the Academy Awards (Oscar) in 2010 and winner of many international awards including Camera D'Or Special Distinction in Cannes.

General sponsor

Life Sentences

2013, 96', DCP

Directed by:
Nurit Kedar, Yaron Shani

Yaron Shani

Edited by:
Yaron Shani

Ofir Leibovitz

Nurit Kedar

Produced by:
Nurit Kedar

Festivals & Awards:

Jerusalem International Film Festival 2013 – The Van Leer Group Foundation Award for Best Documentary Film; IDFA 2014; Toronto Jewish Film Festival 2014; New York Film Festival 2014; First Run Film Festival 2014; Milano Film Festival 2014; Silicon Valley Jewish Film Festival 2014; Millenium International Documentary Film Festival 2014; Annual East Bay International Jewish Film Festival 2014; Other Israel Film Festival 2014