
Victims of IS

Hogir Hirori
Screening time  
27.02. / Friday, 20:00 - 22:00 Theatre 2  
As Obama announces a US strategy for tackling the Islamic State in Iraq, on the ground thousands of lives are being torn apart. This shocking report dives into the chaos, revealing a horrifying refugee crisis.

As the news about the ISIS attacks in Iraq have spread around the world, Swedish Kurd filmmaker Hogir Hirori decided to say goodbye to his pregnant wife and travel back to Kurdistan. His father has joined the Peshmerga forces desperately trying to tackle the growing threat of the Islamic State. Hogir wants to see for himself the reality of the growing crisis behind the statistics being reported at home in Europe. Along a dusty roadside, the young, the old and the helpless sit, waiting for some kind of help to arrive. Fear and despair are written on their shocked faces.


Hogir Hirori

Hogir Hirori was born in 1980 in Duhok, Iraqi Kurdistan. In 1999, he fled to Sweden and has lived since then in Stockholm. He works as a freelance photographer, editor and director and runs his own production company, Lolav Media. Hogir’s The Deminer had its world premiere at IDFA 2017, where it received the Special Jury Award for Best Documentary Feature. The film has since travelled to more than 50 international film festivals and aired on more than 30 broadcasters worldwide.

General sponsor

Victims of IS

2014, 38', DCP

Directed by:
Hogir Hirori

Hogir Hirori

Edited by:
Hogir Hirori

Bosse Lindwall

Produced by:
Lolav Media