Triler Dox

The Arms Drop

Andreas Koefoed
Screening time  
25.02. / Wednesday, 22:00 - 00:00 Theatre 2  
In December 1995, a large amount of weapons was secretly dropped from a plane over West Bengal, India. Bleach’s mission was to secure the plane into India so Holck could be arrested. But everything went wrong.

In December 1995, a large amount of weapons was secretly dropped from a plane over West Bengal, India. The plane carried British arms dealer and MI5-informant Peter Bleach and Danish development worker and idealist Niels Holck, the mission’s mastermind. The weapons were allegedly intended for the self-defense of a group of monks and nuns against the Communist Left Front governing West Bengal at the time. Bleach’s mission was to secure the plane into India so Holck could be arrested. But when Holck escaped, Bleach took the fall. While trying to defend himself, he discovered that British intelligence wanted to keep him locked up as well, and he served eight years on trumped-up charges in an Indian jail. Meanwhile, Holck has built a new, peaceful life for himself in Denmark, but in 2010 he is suddenly facing the prospect of extradition. Now Bleach faces a dilemma: should he let Holck endure the same fate he did, or forgive his former adversary and help shed light on the case?


Andreas Koefoed

Andreas Koefoed was born in Copenhagen in 1979 and graduated as a documentary director from The National Film School of Denmark in 2009, and in sociology from Copenhagen University in 2004. He has directed documentary films since 2001 with a focus on universal stories on human existence, including The Lost Leonardo, Ballroom Dancer, The Arms Drop and At Home In The World. His films have screened and won numerous awards at festivals around the world including IDFA, CPH:DOX, Full Frame, AFI Docs, Sheffield Doc Fest or Tribeca.

General sponsor


Denmark, Sweden
2014, 94', DCP

Directed by:
Andreas Koefoed

Screenplay by:
Tobias Lindholm, Andreas Koefoed

Niels Thastum, Manuel Claro

Edited by:
Adam Nielsen, Jacob Thuesen

Miriam Nørgaard

Produced by:
Fridthjof Film

Festivals & Awards:

IDFA 2014; CPH:DOX 2014; Göteborg International Film Festival 2015; DocPoint – Helsinki Documentary Film Festival 2015