Projects 2015


Nebojša Slijepčević
In the winter of 1991. a 12-year old Serbian girl was murdered in Zagreb. Quarter of century later director Oliver Frljić is working on a theatre play about the case. Rehearsals become a collective psychotherapy, and the 12-year old actress Nina feels as if the war had never ended.

'Srbenka' Funded by MEDIA Sub-programme


Director Nebojša Slijepčević’s project, pitched at ZagrebDox Pro 2015, was awarded 25,000 Euro for development.

The documentary project Srbenka, directed by Nebojša Slijepčević (Restart), pitched at ZagrebDox Pro 2015, was awarded funds by the MEDIA Sub-programme. The funds amounting to 25,000 Euro were allocated at the public call for individual project development, festivals and continuous training.

Srbenka is a film about bullying the children of other nationalities. The focus is on the generation born after the war and the way they cope with the war trauma. This very important topic is trying to explore nationalism in central Europe and in today’s Balkans. The applicant is aware of the local, regional and global level of understanding this project. The protagonists are irresistible, the creative approach is brilliant, and the project’s focus is well considered, across different potential circles, with a universal message, says the explanation of the funding decision.

More information about the project is available on Restart’s official website.

General sponsor


2018, 72', color, DCP

Directed by:
Nebojša Slijepčević

Vanja Jambrović, Tibor Keser

Produced by:

Start of production:


Prilaz Đure Deželića 74
10000 Zagreb, Croatia
P. +385 1 557 38 60
M. +385 91 8930 675

Festivals & Awards:

Sarajevo Film Festival 2018 - Heart of Sarajevo for Best documentary film, Audience Award for Best documentary film

DocAlliance Award 2018

Visions du Reel 2018 - Award Buyens-Chagoll

Docu Rough Cut Boutique 2017 - Awards CAT&Docs, Digital Cube and HBO Adria