ZagrebDox Pro masterclasses


ZagrebDox Pro presents masterclasses by the acclaimed directors Kim Longinotto and Želimir Žilnik, and famous editor David Charap. Events are open to the public.

First masterclass to be held by one of the foremost documentary filmmakers working today, Kim Longinotto is scheduled on Wednesday, 25 February at 10am. In this masterclass, Kim Longinotto will present her work, show visual material of selected film titles and discuss it with the audience. On Friday, 27 February at 12pm, acclaimed film editor David Charap will hold a masterclass 'Editing In Documentary Film'
 on which he will discuss his style and practice with the audience and give his views on making films and insight to his unique approach to documentary editing (CANCELLED).
 The same day, at 5pm, masterclass 'Reality and Miracle in Foundation of a Documentary Film' by a renowned director Želimir Žilnik will take place.

In addition to the masterclasses by the acclaimed directors Kim Longinotto and Želimir Žilnik, and famous editor David Charap, the main ZagrebDox Pro events open to the public are one-day Pitching Forum, case studies of Rada Šešić’s mentorship over Marija Ratković Vidaković on her documentary project in development In Search of a Lost Country and Vjeran Hrpka’s cinematography on the documentary film A Two-Way Mirror, accompanying the presentation of Sony Camcorders, as well as a presentation of novelties from Creative Europe, RE-ACT initiative and EDN’s co-production guide, with an accompanying discussion.

More information about ZagrebDox programmes can be found HERE. Schedule of the events open for public can be browsed HERE.