Regional Competition

The Tramway Hotel

Marko Mamuzić
Screening time  
27.02. / Monday, 14:00 - 16:00 Theatre 1  
01.03. / Wednesday, 14:00 - 16:00 Theatre 4  
03.03. / Friday, 18:00 - 20:00 Theatre 5  
They are the homeless of Belgrade. They spend their winters in tramway line No 2.

The story is set in the Belgrade city centre, in the tramway no 2. Once a defining border between the city’s elite and the others, the tramway line no 2 now suffers the consequences of the post-war economic and social decline. The reality boards the line, literally: the war refugees, the social dropouts, the jobless, the alcoholics, the beggars, the retired, and the newcomers that could not fit into the new order, all seeking for a sanctuary. Their entire life is packed in their plastic bags. Each one of them started this journey in the unfortunate times of the nineties; each one of them has a history of misfortune. There is no first or the last stop in the line no 2. The passengers go round in circles. In winter the heating works well and they spend most of their time inside; they sleep, eat and drink. The tramway no 2 nickname has been The Tramway Hotel for years now. 


Marko Mamuzić

Marko Mamuzić, born in 1966 in Lyon, is a graduate of the Arts Plastiques Sorbonne (DEUG), the Academy of Performing Arts in Sarajevo and the Faculty of Dramatic Arts in Belgrade. He is the author of the award-winning documentary films Granica, Vrela krv, Izgubljeni film, Memento 26, Paulin dvor, Život Roma as well as several short TV films made for Al Jazeera International and PG Mreža.

General sponsor

Hotel Dvojka

2016, 67'

Directed by:
Marko Mamuzić

Screenplay by:
Marko Mamuzić

Nikola Majdak

Edited by:
Miloš Stojanović

Dušan Petrović

Jelena Mitrović

Produced by:
Baš Čelik

Festivals & Awards:

Beldocs – BelgradeInternational Documentary Film Festival 2016